Janice’s Journal: The Importance of Tenacity

On March 3, a group of individuals representing dozens of organizations will gather near the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court.  When they do so, they will repeat for the third time efforts to educate the Court regarding the significant harm caused by their decision, Smith v. Doe, issued in the year 2003.

Some may ask why it is necessary to repeat these efforts.  After all, the Court did not appear to care or perhaps even to know that people in the past have stood in front of the building in which they work speaking truth to power.  

Speaking truth to power included important speeches by leaders in the registrant movement as well as signs demanding that the Court overturn Smith v. Doe in order to stop harm to registrants and their families.  Similar speeches and signs are sure to take place this year.  

Will our voices be heard this year?  Perhaps.  It’s a little more likely that our voices will be heard this year because the Court will be in session and therefore the justices and those who support them will be present in the building when we speak. 

However, it’s also possible that those who need to hear our message the most, including Chief Justice John Roberts, may choose to ignore what we have to say.  So what! 

The most important thing about the vigil on March 3 is that we show up, stand up and speak up.  The second most important thing is that we return to the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court every year until the Court overturns Smith v. Doe.  We cannot and should not remain silent while individuals required to register and their families continue to suffer.  

Returning to the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court each year is an example of tenacity, which some have identified as the most important factor to achieve any type of success.  “Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence,” according to former U.S. President Calvin Coolidge. 

Aviator Amelia Earhart said, “the most difficult thing is the decision to act.  The rest is merely tenacity.”  Thomas Edison said, “many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up.”  Finally, poet Maya Angelou stated, “you may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated.  It may be necessary to encounter the defeats so you can know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.” 

Let us take these words of wisdom and apply them to our goal of overturning Smith v. Doe.  An important step toward that goal is educating the U.S. Supreme Court on March 3.  Please join us if you can. 


See also: 
43 Organizations reach agreement on letter to US Supreme Court  

Sign up now: DC Vigil and Conference – March 1 through March 3, 2025  

D C Conference to Feature Cooperation, Progress in Registrant Movement

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Can the Court reconsider Smith v Doe on its own accord, without someone submitting a petition?

Please verify that the Vigil will be streamed live. If yes, please provide the streaming information. THANK YOU!

Excellent Journal, Janice, thank you!

On another note is anyone else aware of a state that imposes “duties” (without pay) on family members to notify also?

North Carolina DMV warned a family member who went to renew her license that she is required to notify them if our family PFR who lives in another state comes there to visit her.

She was furious and wants to do something about it because she said how does something that someone else did decades ago place a burden on her now

He hasn’t been there in 20 years but now this?

What in the holy h*ll is going on in this country?